Domain & Page Authority
Branding | Search Marketing | Web Design

AuthorityWhat is Domain & Page Authority?
Did you know that every website has a score system between 1-100 that Google uses to track reliable websites? Google and other search engines use a metric known as Domain Authority to average the best qualities of all websites.
There are many variables that influences a website’s authority rankings, many of which Google has not revealed. However, these are a few that have been proven to make a difference for any website:
To become the authority on a topic, Google wants you to be the solution for that problem. Show your users that you are the expert of your industry.
Consistent traffic is a clear signal to Google that you are worth keeping at the top of the list. Create content that will persuade your visistors to stay longer on your page.
User Friendly
Content that users can easily understand will help your overall growth. Ensure your content is pleasant to share and readable.
Layout plays a major role in User Experience which also means to Google as well. If Google detects elements are too close, it will mark it as an error until it’s fixed.
Where To Begin
How Do We Improve Domain and Page Authority
To improve your website’s domain authority, you will need to improve your website content overall. You will need to provide your audience clear answers to the problems they need to solve.
At Ezio Digital, we help create strategies that emphasize the best qualities of your business while providing your audience the information they need.
Domain Authority Frequently ASked Questions
How long does it take to improve my domain authority?
Improving your domain authority can be a long process. We highly recommend working with a digital agency due to the amount of resources they can provide.
There is a correlation between page authority and user experience. Websites with high authority tend to have content that is easy to read and straight to the point. By providing clear answers to a users questions, whether that answer is a product or service may vary, you are seen as reliable to Google.
How can I find my domain authority ranking?
There are many tools that provide this information online, however, most require monthly/yearly payments.
To avoid this fee however, you can request a quote from us through our Free Audit Form and we can provide all of the current statistics regarding your website. We can provide information such as which of your pages has the highest rankings and for what reason.